Yoga TranceDance – Equinox Fall Freedom
A 1.5 hour Immersion
mit Amber Spear
Be engaged with this Equinoctial movement meditation; receive transmission of liberating total being pathways, free yourself into moving how you truly yearn too as your own embodied expression of the One.
Sa 12.09.2020
14.00 – 15.30
- Normal
- 35.–
- Reduziert
- 25.–
- Unlimitiert
- 15.–
Bitte anmelden
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This 1.5 hour immersion into natural movement begins in stillness and ends the same way, with every moment in between, tending the fire of your creative desire for full freedom in ecstatic movement expression.
As we merge into the equal hours of day and night, the moon begins to reign for a longer duration in the evening sky, offering insight towards new creative pathways within which to play.
Be engaged with this Equinoctial movement meditation; receive transmission of liberating total being pathways, free yourself into moving how you truly yearn too as your own embodied expression of the One.
Created by Shiva Rea and lead by Prana Vinyasa Teachers globally, Yoga TranceDance is a Bhakti of embodiment, liberated movement and is accessible to all.